Ear Wax Microsuction Specialists in Perth
Open 7 Days & After Hours
$100 Fee. No Surcharges
No Referral Needed
No Preparation Required.
Same Day Service

Safe & Effective
10% Pensioner Discount. No T&C's
The Top Rated Ear Suction Clinic in Perth
Both Ears Cleaned in 20 minutes
We are Open 7 Days and are the sole Audiology clinic in Perth exclusively dedicated to the manual removal of cerumen using microsuction. Our $100 ear health consultation includes ear wax removal from both ears using microsuction and ear health advice from a highly skilled Audiologist. A 50% discount applies if no ear wax removal is required. We are excited to now offer our services to those living North and South of the River, with clinics open in Balcatta and Attadale.
After-Hours, Saturday and Sunday appointments are available, at no extra cost, which makes it possible to secure a same day appointment as there is no need for any wax softeners to be used as preparation. Don't wait, get relief from the sensation of blocked ears caused by ear wax today!
All our clinicians are experienced, university-trained Clinical Audiologists, making sure you will receive the highest quality of care and expertise that is unparalleled in Perth. Clear Ears Perth is your local ear suction clinic that specialises in ear wax removal.
No referral is required to make an ear wax removal appointment and the procedure is suitable for children 4 years and older. Please check our calendar for available appointments and book online with our easy-to-use system.
Any Questions? Read our FAQs for more details or call us on 08 6509 3355

Our Locations

Opening Hours
Monday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Wednesday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Thursday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Sunday: 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Opening Hours
Monday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Tuesday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Wednesday: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Friday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
Saturday: 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Sunday: 10:00AM - 2:00PM
​Suite A11, 550 Canning Highway, ATTADALE WA 6156

Gentle and Painless
Ear wax removal with microsuction uses gentle suction to remove ear wax. Unlike ear syringing, which can be uncomfortable, ear wax microsuction is generally well tolerated by patients. Our experienced clinicians will ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.
Effective and Efficient
Ear wax removal by microsuction is highly effective. The procedure removes ear wax quickly and efficiently, with a high success rate. This means that patients can expect to experience a significant improvement in their symptoms after the procedure.
Compared to ear irrigation, ear wax microsuction is a safer option. The procedure is less invasive and has a lower risk of complications, such as perforation of the ear drum, infection, and temporary hearing loss.
Ear irrigation is done without seeing the ear wax or the delicate structures of the ear. Our clinicians use magnification so they are able to precisely locate the ear wax that is to be removed and avoid any damage to your ear.
Specialist Treatment
All our clinicians are Clinical Audiologists which ensures you will receive experienced care and in-depth advice drawn from the knowledge obtained through their Master of Clinical Audiology studies and wide ranging careers in Audiology.
Ear Wax Removal Clinic
At Clear Ears Perth we specialise in ear wax removal using microsuction and collectively have performed the procedure 1000's of times. No other audiology clinic in Perth solely focuses on Ear Wax Removal and we pride ourselves on delivering expert ear health care.
Ear wax (cerumen) is a natural protectant and should be left alone to move out of your ear through the self-cleaning mechanism of the ear canal. When cerumen accumulates to a stage that it causes issues such as; a blocked feeling in your ears, itchy ears, problems hearing, whistling hearing aids or tinnitus, then you may require removal of the ear wax manually. Book an appointment to see one of our Clinical Audiologists if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. Read about the best ways to keep your ears healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will ear wax removal hurt?
Generally the procedure is well tolerated and our clinicians will ensure you are comfortable throughout. If you do feel any discomfort, please alert the audiologist to stop. The ear canal is sensitive and if there is hardened impacted ear wax or an infection, occasionally the microsuction can cause some brief discomfort. We will ensure that the best care is taken to not damage the delicate structures of the outer ear.
Is the cost covered by Medicare or Private Health Insurance?
Unfortunately at this stage there is no Medicare Rebate or eligibility to claim through Private Health Insurance. Please read more about this in our Blog post. We will continue to campaign the relevant bodies to allow a rebate for this procedure in the future and is why we have kept the cost to $100. We do offer a 10% discount for Pensioner and Concession Card Holders.
Is the procedure suitable for children?
The manual removal of ear wax requires the patient to remain very still and be able to tolerate a loud noise in the ear. Children can find the loud sound confronting and the risk to their ear being damaged with sudden movements. That is why we have limited the age to children 4 years and over. The procedure is much the same as with adults, however we will need the full cooperation from the child and parent to ensure a successful outcome. No referral is required and the cost is $100 for the ear health consultation, which includes ear wax removal from both ears using microsuction and/or curettage. Please read more about our Paediatric Ear Wax Removal Services.
Do I have to use wax softening drops before the procedure?
At Clear Ears Perth we would rather you not have used any wax softener prior to the procedure. The use of wax softener prior to having ear irrigation has been a wide spread practice for years. If the consistency of your ear wax is already soft, then using softeners can cause the cerumen to become liquid-like and makes it more difficult to remove completely. It also can result in the cerumen and drops coating the tympanic membrane and deeper portion of the ear canal. That is why we prefer to assess your ears first and we can use wax softener throughout the procedure, if required. Cerumen that remains somewhat intact and closer to the entrance of the ear canal, can be easily and completely removed.
What if the audiologist can't remove all the ear wax in the first appointment?
We have a high success rate in removing cerumen in the first appointment. Occasionally we will need patients to use wax softeners for 2-3 days and return for a second appointment. If this is the case, we will only charge $50 for the follow up. These occasions occur when the wax is hardened and completely impacted and the clinician feels it may be close to the tympanic membrane. The softening of the hardened wax will ensure a safer and more comfortable experience. We hope that you trust our clinicians will only require this if it is completely necessary and that you understand the audiologists time is valuable.
Will I still be charged for the consultation if I don't have any ear wax to be removed?
A discounted rate of $50 applies if no ear wax is found in the appointment. The appointment for an ear health consultation provides you with more than just ear wax removal and we hope the clinician's advice on why you may be experiencing the symptoms you made the appointment for, is valuable and helpful. The audiologist will be able to refer you to other health professionals if appropriate and provide written resources for you to take away. Video-otoscopy will be performed which allows you to see inside your own ears for peace of mind along with tympanometry, that tests your middle ear function. We also have a FREE self administered iPad Hearing Screener and a diagnostic full audiological assessment is available at our Balcatta clinic.
What if I have an ear infection?
The micro-suction of debris from an outer ear infection can be helpful as part of the treatment plan and allows any prescribed ear drops to penetrate the ear canal to allow healing. Clear Ears Perth regularly collaborates with General Practitioners in the treatment of Otitis Externa and our audiologists have witnessed excellent results. Using water to irrigate the debris can be counterproductive and there have been many occasions when patients have sought micro-suction after having their ears irrigated with water and have acquired an ear infection.
Clear Ears Perth Prices
Ear Wax Removal Prices
Ear Wax Removal using Microsuction - $100
10% discount for Pension Concession Card Holders
50% Discount, No Ear Wax
Hearing Test Prices
Hearing Test - $100 (ages 4 & over)
Ear Wax Removal & Hearing Test - $150 (ages 4 & over)
Specialised Services
Young Child Ear Health Screen - $50
Follow-up Glue Ear Check -$25
Custom Earplugs - $100 pair
Services at Clear Ears Perth
Ear wax removal using microsuction and/or curettage
Ear health history and ear hygiene advice to help prevent blocked ears
Video-otoscopy - camera showing you inside your ears
Tympanometry - middle ear function test
Free 5 minute self administered iPad hearing screening for adults (both Attadale and Balcatta clinics)
Hearing Test for ages 4 and over (Balcatta only)
Custom Ear Plug Fitting
Medical and/or further audiological referral if required
Clinical Audiologist advice regarding what might be causing your symptoms
No referral is needed to make an appointment
There is no need to use ear wax softening drops prior
The ear microsuction procedure is suitable for ages 4 and above
If no ear wax is found, a discounted rate of $50 applies
If you are booking ear wax microsuction for your child, please read about our paediatric ear wax removal services here
Read more about what to expect in the appointment
Experienced Clinical Audiologists
Sam Mitchell
BSc.,MClinAud. MAudA(CCP)
Accredited member of Audiology Australia
Sam has been working within health care for 14 years and has experience not only in ear wax removal but in adult and paediatric diagnostic audiology, hearing implants, adult hearing rehabilitation, custom earplug fitting, hearing aids and tinnitus counselling. Prior to completing his Master in Clinical Audiology from UWA, Sam worked as a Registered Nurse.
If ear wax removal is not needed, a discounted fee of $50 applies. Our clinicians will give you advice regarding your symptoms. If medical intervention is considered to be appropriate, a report will be sent to your GP.

Ellen Ffoulkes
BSc.,MClinAud. MAudA(CCP)
Accredited member of Audiology Australia
Ellen is passionate about patient centred care and has a wide range of experience in audiology including cochlear implant rehabilitation, paediatric audiology, hearing aids, diagnostic audiology and tinnitus counselling. Ellen graduated from UWA with a Masters in Clinical Audiology with Distinction in 2019, and is currently completing her Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of Notre Dame.

Haylene Goh
BSc.,MClinAud. (CCP)
Senior Audiologist
Haylene is a dedicated audiologist with experience in the fields of cochlear implants, paediatric and adult diagnostics. She graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2015 and has worked as an audiologist for over 6 years. One of the highlights of her career was spending 18 months volunteering in Samoa to promote ear health in the region. Currently she is pursuing a Doctor of Medicine degree at The University of Western Australia
Michelle Guerrero-Dukha
BSc.,MClinAud. MACAud
Accredited member of The Australian College of Audiology
Michelle obtained her Masters in Clinical Audiology from the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines in 2007. In 2008, she moved to Australia where she has worked in audiology clinics, specializing in adult hearing rehabilitation, tinnitus counselling and ear wax removal. She also has experience in paediatric and industrial audiology.

Greta Bernabei
BSc.,MClinAud. MAudA
Accredited member of Audiology Australia
Greta, a passionate audiologist, graduated from the University of Parma in 2016. She started in adult diagnostic audiology and expanded into adult hearing rehabilitation and custom earplug fitting. Moving to Perth, she specialized in pediatric diagnostics, with a focus on otitis media among the Aboriginal community. Her mission is to improve quality of lives through personalized care and better hearing health.
Josie Prydderch
BA. BSc.Audiology
Member Academy for Healthcare Science
Josie graduated from Aston University in the UK, with a First Class Honours
degree in Healthcare Science, Audiology. She has worked within the NHS for 10
years, starting as a Senior Newborn Hearing Screener before becoming a Senior
Audiologist within adult audiology. She has also worked privately in
microsuctioning and irrigation for the last 2 years. She has a wide range of
experience in audiology from hearing assessment and diagnosis, to hearing
rehabilitation and aural impressions.
Professional Affiliations

Easily check our availability using the online booking system and schedule an appointment for a time and day that suits you best. Want to speak to someone? Please call us direct 08 6509 3355